How to help someone else?
Counselling for Children (Minors)
If you are worried about your child, remember to listen, offer love and support, and remember that children and teens are just learning to regulate their emotions. They will need support to seek therapy and may not understand what they are going through. Helping them to understand their symptoms is important. If you are worried about your child, you can reach out to organise an appointment with a therapist. Speak to school and see how they are getting on. Therapy helps young people work through hard issues without judgement and in an impartial space. It is about building resiliency and trusting that it is OK to be open with emotions. Therapy is a way to gain better coping without medications. Family therapy or parent support may also be options which can help in a sustainable way. Client confidentiality is an important aspect of counselling, and this will be discussed at a first session, or please feel free to contact us.